Dealing with Depression: It’s Okay to Not Feel Okay


Dealing with Depression


When we feel sad for a long period of time, we might think “I’m not okay.” Often we feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Depression can feel like a cloud that never lifts. We may feel extreme emotion or seemingly none at all, resulting in a lack of control. How do we change this state of being and feel better?

If you feel “It’s not okay to be like this,” here’s the truth… It’s okay to not feel okay. Once we accept and fully embrace the idea that we’re not to blame, our feelings and mental state can improve:


Dealing with Depression


  • Disappointment becomes more manageable. Depression can sneak up and leave us feeling hopeless. Blaming ourselves becomes a vicious cycle. No one asks to be depressed; there is no fault in how we feel. When we give ourselves a break and admit that we’re feeling low, we can begin to spot ways to change.


Dealing with Depression


  • We stop denying our pain. Validating our feelings and learning reasons for our depression isn’t an act of selfishness, it’s one of honesty and self-awareness. When we share our pain with friends and/or family, we can acknowledge where we are. With guidance from a trained, licensed counsellor, we can begin to heal, knowing that what we share is held in the strictest confidence.


Dealing with Depression


  • We take the first step to recovery. Recovery is an ongoing process. Sometimes we feel better and then have a bad day/week/month. Sometimes we have to take it one day at a time, and sometimes it’s “one hour at a time.” It’s good to be easy on ourselves as we begin our journey to wellness, knowing there will be ups and downs.

It is never too late to ask for help. Depression does not discriminate and you are not alone. Wendy Limarzi’s Depression and Relationship Counselling Services offers depression assessment and treatment. To learn more about counselling and other services please call us at (519) 253-1519 or share any questions you may have on this form.